Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Judge One President, Judge Them All

While I don't fall in lockstep with some of the decisions made by President Bush, I am sick to death of the way the media whips him on every move. Look at the list and compare the pardons and commutations made by other presidents. Some will surprise you.


George W. Bush (2001 - )
Pardons -- 13
Commutations -- 4

Bill Clinton (1993-2001)
Pardons -- 396
Commutations -- 61

George H.W. Bush (1989-1993)
Pardons -- 74
Commutations: 3

Ronald Reagan
Pardons -- 393
Commutations -- 13

Jimmy Carter
Pardons -- 534
Commutations -- 29

Gerald Ford
Pardons -- 382
Commutations -- 22

Richard Nixon
Pardons -- 863
Commutations -- 60

Lyndon Johnson
Pardons -- 960
Commutations -- 226

John F. Kennedy
Pardons -- 472
Commutations -- 100

Dwight Eisenhower
Pardons -- 1,110
Commutations -- 47

Harry Truman
Pardons -- 1,913
Commutations -- 118


Law and Order Teacher said...

Very interesting post. It is amazing that Bush gets pounded for every decision he makes. Since most people get their "news" for MSM it is no wonder his approval rating is low. Thanks for the information.

Ellen K said...

I think it's a series of stats that needs to make it into the public realm.