Tuesday, March 23, 2021

We will never be United Again

 I've never heard or seen so much contrived vitriol in my life. My Mom used to say "If you look for trouble, you'll find it" and that applies to racism, sexism, and every other type of victimhood set up by the Left. I thought maybe I was just hearing from the extremists that Big Media so likes to amplify. But evidently I'm wrong. Evidently the mere existence of anyone who is White is offensive. And frankly the Democrat Socialists seem intent on pulling the bandaids off until a scar so hideous is part of our shared history. I don't know how anyone is going to be able function in an office, classroom or any other group effort. It's as if the Left will not be content until we hate each other to death.

Do you doubt me? Read This

I ask you, have you ever in an urban setting had someone of a different race yet out a comment or question? If someone is looking for a COVID shot, would it be so wrong to just answer the damned question without lamenting over some overarching narrative that has nothing to do with the task at hand? I wonder if the writer is always so civil-never honks his horn in traffic, never yells when someone spills beer on him at a ball game, gets frustrated when his kids use up all the data? How is his male anger any different from an elderly white woman, who has probably wandered around to various shot locations for weeks trying to find available vaccine? Isn't that elder abuse to accuse her of asking and being denied an answer? 

It's obvious that people who hold such hair-trigger bias and prefer their own created habitat should probably seek a means to stay there. If you can't even let go of your own bias in order to score SJW Woke Points, then why should you expect anyone else to give up their own personal Shagrila?

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