Tuesday, September 17, 2013

And Again, It's Not The Guns

So once again we see a public place shot up with a large number of fatalities and injuries. Once again we have a media intent on playing the Gun Control card. They have already falsely stated that the shooter of the Navy Yard used an AR15. He did not. They have tried to connect this discussion by citing Newtown and Aurora, two evil incidents where deranged individuals killed innocents for what appears to be no reason at all. Politicians want you to believe that guns are the problem.

Guns are not the problem.

Under guidelines signed more than thirty years ago it has become almost impossible for even loving families to have mentally ill, violent and threatening members involuntarily detained. Many of the first victims of the violent mentally ill are the same family members who make excuses for them. Indeed that appears to be what happened in both the Gabby Gifford's shooting and in Newtown, where families were unwilling to admit their members were a danger to themselves and others. In both cases outsiders, teachers, peers, coworked knew that the individuals were escalating their behavior. In Aurora and in this case with the Navy Yard shooter, the individuals were either under treatment on their own recognizance or scheduled for treatment but still left out in the general population as in the case of the Aurora shooter.

Guns are not the problem.

We are discovering that the Navy Yard shooter had a violent history. He had anger problems where he self admittedly blacked out in Seattle, and a neighor in his Ft. Worth apartment who was terrified of him. Even his friends admitted he would start drinking at 9:30 in the morning, drink huge quanitites of liquor and play violent video games for days on end to the point where friends had to bring him food after two days straight of playing. These are not normal behaviors taken individually and as a cluster demonstrate someone who is seeking to quiet voices and self medicate. In short. the Navy Yard shooter was deranged and dangerous but under current law could not be denied employment or freedom because of these issues.

Guns are not the problem.

While I would agree that people with criminal intent or those who are seriously mentally impaired should not be given access to guns or other weapons, does anyone really think that someone under the pressure of delusions will let mere legalities stop them? I notice politicians wringing their hands in regards to this situation. I am curious if proximity is the issue because these same political creatures seem ready to label the Ft. Hood shooter as "workplace violence." I notice that these same political creatures ignore the slashing attack on several Houston students by an equally insane individual. The killing of innocents is always an evil act done by evil individuals. Using a gun does not make this more or less so.

Guns are not the problem.

So what is the common thread? A shooter in Tuscon, noticeably insane allowed to roam free until someone gets hurt. A shooter in Aurora, noticeably deranged, allowed to go about his day because it's just not politically correct to question odd behavior. A shooter in Newtown kills children after years of public and private schools accommodating what was probably escalating violence and manifestation in his actions. Now a former military man with a history of violence, mental illness and behavior oddities kills people. With the current laws in place the mentally ill are medicated and released. The public is not allowed the luxury of discrimination but must endure their behavior in public places as demonstrated by many confrontations encountered with the homeless and mentally ill. Nobody can do anything until someone gets hurt. And even then all politicians want to do is blame guns.

Guns are not the problem.