Friday, April 08, 2022

This Didn't Happen Overnight

 I grew up during the late 1960's and early 1970's. In direct opposition to the sex kittens like Marilyn Monroe, Jane Mansfield and even Tuesday Weld, suddenly as a young woman, my curvy figure was not acceptable. The dawning of the age of Twiggy and the era of mini-skirts and hip hugger jeans shunned the normal figures of young women, preferring the androgynous look of skinny boyishness that included long eyelashes and short hair. Early on I wanted to design fashion and I read about the various designers. No longer were the classic designs of Chanel and Dior and their celebration of the female form popular. Instead a gauntness and lack of curves was pushed through women's and teen magazines.

Is it any wonder anorexia and bulimia came to the forefront during the 1980's? Heroin chic and use of cocaine sped up the idea that all the popular kids, the party kids, were thin. How many stars and celebrities did we lose to anorexia or other eating disorders? Karen Carpenter was the unfortunate poster child for this disorder. And again, we have a new class of celebrity fashion designers, many of the male, many of them gay, who seem to be designing for a figure that is not female. There was a short respite during the mid 80's where big shoulder pads and bow blouses were what passed for feminine attire

The 1990's and into the 2000's, we see advancements in the cause of feminism, Title IX forced many colleges to defund Men's programs to give equal amounts to Women's athletics and while the new message was "be healthy" the reality was the women who were often in our ads, movies and magazines were unreasonably thin and girlish in direct contrast to the population at large. There was an increase in the concept of Unisex dressing. Repeatedly during this period fashions for young women were boyish in nature, often mimicking the same slate of gay male designers who had originally establish the androgynous model. The thin model becomes an icon. Sports Illustrated sells out their issues with gorgeous unrealistically thin female bodies.

In the 2000's  the children who were born after 9/11 start watching Sailor Moon as it came to the US from Japan. They embraced anime via Pokemon and other animated stories. These innocent images would eventually lead many older kids to darker manga, even gender bending, sexually provocative  imagery. By 2009 half the high school kids in the US had cell phones. Once they moved to smart phones, images, websites, cameras were easily accessible. Remember, all during this time girls are still getting messages about being strong, but thin, sexy but innocent. Converging messages at a time when teenagers are already confused.

By the last ten years of the 2010 to 2020, many girls who viewed themselves as weak as females, assumed new personas of males. Some, seeking notoriety over popularity, claimed to be lesbian or bisexual often walking down the hall holding hands with other girls and sometimes even making out in corridors. It was bad enough having to patrol hallways and classrooms for straight couples seeking to act out sexually, but these girls often did it in as public a location as possible. They wanted the new edgy reputation in place of an unattainable image of what fashion designers and people like Wintour placed before them. 

When in 2015, gay marriage was legalized, many on the Right said it was a slippery slope. Too many others said "oh let them alone, they're happy, they got all they wanted." But that wasn't the case. What was originally just an alliance  of gay and lesbian adults, became a spectrum of 70 or more "gender preferences" each with their own impossible to remember pronouns. What is more, since they cannot reproduce on their own, they feel they need to mentor children into gayness, which is what coaching young children in sexual behavior is meant to do. Just as a child seeing violence done to others can desensitize them to violence done to them or those they love, exposing children in what psychologist usually consider a dormant period to sexually explicit material desensitizes them.

I have come to this conclusion. The Left does not like children as a rule. They view they as either burdens to be eliminated or interns to be rigorously trained in every opinion and behavior abnormality acceptable to the Left. Now that we have states like Colorado LEGALIZING MURDER OF INFANTS we have evidently come full circle. The Left has always hate children and while feminists may think as lesbians they are freer now, they fail to realize that girls are being victimized systematically by counselors, doctors and teachers to mutilate themselves for the sake of political cause-not personal joy. 

Realize as well that many parents are allowing this to happen to boys and girls based on temporary whims being reinforced by parental urgency to appear with it. Sadly many of these cases of no fitting in are depression, autism or bipolar disorders. This is helicopter parenting on steroids. The same parents who believe their offspring should suffer no drawbacks in life are the ones trying to "fix" their kids. There are clinics and doctors making fortunes off of this. It will go down in history as the worst child abuse since footbinding and the castrati.


1 comment:

Darren said...

Hear hear.