Saturday, February 12, 2022

Never Thought I'd See This Day

 I am not a nut.

I am not someone easily played, being skeptical on most things.

I am pretty pragmatic, seeking to look at a problem and solve it.

So why am I in such despair over how our government at every level seems to have failed us. The main goal of the Federal government is to protect and defend-to protect citizens and defend our sovereign nation. Both of those goals have be blithely ignored by a feckless arrogant ruling class who seeks far more to enrich themselves and their families as well as accruing status and power. This is the type of tyranny people come here to escape! Yet we have someone who appears to be little more than a puppet being run by a shadow government which controls our elite policing agencies.

I am sick and scared. Sick of seeing everyone else with their hands out while my pension check decreases with every action the Federal government takes. My check is less, but my insurance and prescriptions are more. How dare Joe Biden claim to be helping Americans when even people I know are liberals are bemoaning how the escalation of prices has suddenly made them poor.

I used to support my government and believe we were the last, best hope, but not anymore.

I think we are being duped by a cadre of thugs in the guise of CEO's and billionaires.

They do not care about us and it's beginning to be clear nobody does.

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