Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Woke Coke and Other Myths

 #WokeCoke and other corporations have succeeded in perpetuating racism by their actions. Just quotas, the gross assumption is that people of color are incapable of achieving academic and professional goals without a boost, is an assumption of inability. This puts an asterisk by the name of every person of color, even those who have accrued mass achievements and accolades in much the same way a loving parent would celebrate the accomplishments of a child with a disability. This is wrong. This is actual racism as employed by corporate liberal elites for PUBLICITY.

Unfortunately, the Public confuses EQUITY with EQUALITY. The public thinks they are supporting a system where everyone will be viewed without bias. Under EQUITY standards schools, universities and now even businesses are expected to get the same outcome regardless of individual effort or abilities. Anyone working knows that individual situations will vary even within the same company. Some sales territories are more lucrative than others, some labs have better equipment, some stores are going to be more successful. Trying to manipulate society in INSURE SUCCESS means you must draw away from entities who have put in the time and effort to be successful. That's just wrong.

Even liberals should be alarmed as this is a blanket approach which will ultimately touch their lives. The idea of America was that the sins or wealth of your ancestors didn't preclude you from achieving success. What is ongoing now under the guise 1619/Critical Race Theory is an attempt to justify bias for the purpose of legalizing Equity at all costs. Eventually this will pan out as it gets used in much the same way transgender laws are dismantling Title IX for women. It will come back and in one way or another create a system where mediocrity over innovation is cherished and where the highly educated and able persons of color see their own images tarnished for the sake of political gain.

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